

Providing educational solutions.

Available Covered Units



Visual Basic 6

Java Applets

Client - Server Programming with Java/C++


Operating Systems

Advanced Network Architectures

Discrete Mathematics

Management Science

Theoretical Computer Science

Organizational Behavior

Forecast Demand & Stock Control

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Vienna Development Methodology (VDM)


All the above links are units that we have take in the University of Portsmouth for the BSc in Computer Sciences.

Do you need a Coursework?

Ready to go Applications with their source code and documentation (reports, UML diagrams etc.) in any language you wanted. Just ask for it, here.


We are proud to present you the first site in the educational community, with its primary objective the ease completion of a particular coursework that may troubles you. In other words, you request a Coursework and we are sending you back its possible solution.

AND ALL THESE FOR FREE. Beacuse we are all students afterall.


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